Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Christmas Season

Tonight we spent the evening with our support family and the Jesuits sharing tea and sweets (not very vegan friendly, so I had self-restraint) and great conversation. The one amazing thing about the Christmas season in the JV house is that since it cannot revolve around physical gifts of any sort, it revolves around the gift of spending time with one another.

Our JVC Yakima gift to one another is a Murder Mystery party that Sam is throwing this Friday night. We will all be given our prospective characters on Friday after work. It is a shoot-em-up Texas classic, so Sophie will be cooking dinner and we will be preparing our characters. I can't wait!

After we go to Seattle on Friday and say our Christmas greetings with our friends at the other houses, while our challenge this week was to cook with only what was in our fridge, we are returning home on Sunday for a week of beans and rice. We are limiting ourselves to only beans and rice for three meals a day... that is until I fly out Friday for NYC! I can't wait for the challenge, I'm sure my digestive system will not be too stoked about it, but I am excited to take it on. And, plus, it is not all that different from what I am eating on a poor-man's vegan diet anyhow!

1 comment:

  1. I will take you out to eat ANY kind of food you want... my treat! I miss you sooooo much.
