Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Introduction

This is a story of 8 strangers living in a house...
I spent the last week at orientation camping a bit outside Portland and getting prepared to come to YAKIMA! There were 120 JVs (Jesuit Volunteers) there, mostly recent college grads from all over the country, but a few older married couples, or older single women (mostly) who just wanted to try something new.
At orientation we did a lot of talking in small groups and listening to speakers tell us how difficult our experience is going to be (great... haha). It may be the only time in my life that I will experience a twenty minute group meeting about individual milk preferences. We also explored ways to live simply, to rid our dependencies on things and people outside of our community so that when we are with our community and housemates we are fully present, and also that we will use less of the earth's resources in our every day activities. We explored problem solving techniques, methods of meditation, composting, stuff like that!

Then....we moved to Yakima! Oh wait- I should explain the WE first!! WE are 8 people living together in a converted convent in a bit of a seedy part of town. The 8 of us come from all over the country. Grace is from Omaha, Nebraska, Sophie is from Dallas, Patrick is from New Orleans, Chris is from Scottsdale, Arizona, Sam is from Portland, Allison is from San Diego, and Jamie is from Massachusetts! We are all working with the low-income population around here, who are mostly Mexican, but in different positions, housing services, health care, law, etc.

The people around Yakima have been extraordinarily generous already, bringing us freakishly large zucchinis, breads, burgers, BEER (Yakima produces 75% of the nation's hops!!!), Yakima Valley wine, etc. Hopefully this will continue, because once this drops off, we will be back to living on spaghetti and pb&j.

My time at the internet cafe has just about run out, but I will continue to update, post pictures and videos, etc. I start work tomorrow, so will have lots to say about that.

Until next time (hopefully more entertaining and less informative)!

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