Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ruined for Life?

I already posted at work today about how my day was going, but basically I came to a startling realization that although the Connections clinic (YNHS’s homeless healthcare facility) does do great work to people who really need their help, often more of their patients are either only considered homeless through a technicality in the definition (did not have a permanent residence for at least 2 days and thus qualifies for 12 months of free medicine, dentistry, and prescriptions) or seeking narcotics by telling the medical assistants and doctors of false or exaggerated acute or chronic pain. I also came to realize that most of the doctors, dentists, and RNPs at the clinic are not there with altruistic motives, but are there for a couple years as part of a government school loan-repayment program, then plan to move away. This realization changed in a way how I view my superiors, and after talking with them on their views of Obama’s universal healthcare plan, I came to find that they are as opposed to the idea as I currently am.

My other housemates had difficult days today as well. Sophie and Chris visited the houses of a few heroine and/or meth-addicted prostitutes, Sophie went to a meeting of current heroine addicts where they learn how to use and sterilize their needles, some other housemates drove around delivering food and goods to the homeless or people in the area with HIV- and it turns out that most of the people they visited were on our street. We all learned yesterday that we are living in just about the worst part of town, not a safe place to walk at night, to run alone, to wear anything “blue” like bandanas or jerseys, or really to do much of anything. Needless to say, I just got a gym membership. Grace is working on or hearing about a custody case involving a 13 year old girl who has been raped by a number of her meth-addicted mother’s boyfriends. I guess when you are high on meth your libido skyrockets, but when coming off the high you lose all sex drive and all energy and can barely speak (I guess? I am going off what I have been told by Grace and Sophie via their supervisors). The mother has many boyfriends/male visitors, and when they are still high and she is coming down, she allows them to rape her daughter- over and over and over.

This is just a brief glimpse of our dinnertime discussion- but I think we are all realizing that we are not in Kansas anymore, and that the work we will be doing and the people we will be meeting are going to crush any innocence we came here with. I guess this is what they mean when they say “Ruined for Life”

Ps- we clearly opened up a handful of bottles of wine after this discussion and had a fantastic night of good food, wine, cards, and balderdash.

...and we are now heading camping by Mt. Ranier for the night! Can’t wait! I am off to buy some canned food and cheap beer!


  1. What a radical change in perspective in a couple of days! Don"t forget that many of your patients( prostitutes, drug addicts, mentally ill) are victims of society, abusive relationships or have been dealt a particularly harsh set of cards to live with. Despite the fact that their circumstances seem to be caused by bad choices, it's always more complicated than that. They are still all children of God and they have to be given the same dignity and respect afforded the more priveleged, wealthy or fortunate.They are lucky to have you. Keep your heart and mind open and you will change lives.

  2. missing you very much b ut am very proud of the work you are doing.
